Moderen + brezčasen dizajn
Modern + timeless design
I create simple and yet perfect ambiences, tailored to your taste and intended for real enjoyment of life. Are you ready to create the perfect space for yourself, your family or your business?
Notranje oblikovanje
/ interior decoration
Vedno sem si želela polepšati svet.
I have always wanted to make this world more beautiful.
Svojim strankam z veseljem predstavim kreativne rešitve za njihov dom ali poslovne prostore. Navdih najdem v naravi, živalskem svetu in ljudeh, ki me obdajajo in tako s pomočjo dekorativnih dodatkov ustvarim posebnost in toplino doma, priložnost za sproščeno druženje ali delo v poslovnih prostorih.
I strive to bring creative home and business solutions to my customers. I find inspiration in nature, wildlife, animals, and people that surround me. Decorative accessories help me create a unique and cozy home atmosphere, festive social occasions, relaxing gatherings, or an inspirational work environment.
Začetki moje poslovne poti segajo v leto 1994, ko sem pričela z vizualnim merchandisingom. Svojo dejavnost sem nadgradila z verigo cvetličarn Mačica v Velenju, Celju in Kopru. Pred osmimi leti sem sprejela izziv in postala zunanja sodelavka za področje cvetja v podjetju Engrotuš. Letos pa sem se vrnila k svojemu poslanstvu – impulzivnemu dekoriranju. Prostorom vdahnem novo življenje in značaj ter tako postanejo pravo doživetje.
The beginnings of my business journey date back to the year 1994 when I started my own visual merchandising. Later on I enhanced my core business activities with a chain of florist shops Mačica in Velenje, Celje and Koper. Eight years ago I took up a new challenge and became an external collaborator in floral decoration for Engrotuš. This year I have returned to my main mission – impulse decor. I breathe new life and character into living and working space transforming it into a real experience.
Upam, da se kdaj srečamo.
Hope we’ll meet someday.
Barbara Čanžek – Mačica
Kontakt / Contact
Ponudba storitev
Notranje dekoriranje
Interior decoration
Vizualni merchandise
Visual merchandise
Ustvarjanje vsebin
Content creator
Stiliranje hrane
Food styling